Public School Review
All Western Australian public schools are externally reviewed by the Department of Education's Public School Accountability directorate. The review gives assurance to our local community, the Minister for Education and Training and the Director General about the performance of the College in delivering high quality education to our students.
Initially conducted on a three-year cycle, subsequent reviews are determined to occur on a one, three or five-year timeframe.
In the 2020 review, the performance of John Forrest Secondary College was deemed to be exceptional.
The College received 37 commendations in the 2020 review. Some of the commendations were:
- Senior secondary performance was sufficiently impressive to be recognised at a system level.
- Diversity and inclusion are firmly embedded across the campus and reflect a unified culture of respect, acceptance and high achievement.
- Students receive high levels of pastoral care through a multi-layered approach.
- Decisions are driven by a strong sense of moral responsibility and a belief that every student deserves to succeed.
- A highly reflective teaching ethos underscores the College's approach to using research to validate decisions leading to school improvement.
- Integrity is the centre-piece value of the leadership team and its relationship with students, staff and the community it serves.
- Staff demonstrate commitment to ensuring that the conditions for student success include a culture of care in combination with high expectations.
- The College's reputation with its local community is attributed to an unswerving and unremitting focus on care for students and staff, and the relentless modelling of professional and personal excellence.
The next review is scheduled for Term 4, 2025.
To read all of the commendations and the review report, please download the 2020 Public School Review report.